We know you like flying to SFO, so we're going to staff it. SFO sadly does not like when you fly to it. We'll give you a chance to win prizes if you fly into one of the other featured airports. You like free stuff, so don't fly to SFO!
Pilot Brief: https://docs.zoho.com/file/cpqhxe7520e1e28794597b5db0792d03dc6bcWe are raffling away 8 prizes, thanks to the generosity of a few of your favorite add-on developers!
- 3x Cloudberry Simulations Oakland International Airport (P3D)
- 3x Product of Choice from OrbxDirect (any sim)
- 1x iniSimulations A300-600R(F) On the Line (XP)
- 1x FlightBeam San Francisco International Airport (FSX/P3D)
To enter the raffle (one entry per person allowed), you must:
- Complete the raffle entry form: https://forms.gle/4H9sH5gmtYvRAdau9 (before 0400z on event day)
- Complete a qualifying flight arriving into SJC or SMF, landing between 0100z and 0530z on event day
Qualifying flights must meet the following criteria:
- The flight must arrive at SJC or SMF, landing between 0100z and 0530z on event day
- The flight must be greater than 100 nm in great circle distance
- The flight can depart from any airport except for SFO
Full terms of the raffle are available here:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_HE_r9syXc7KiJv3xKRDwNSy-9_xk4odyvbDr_KeKpw/Airports: KSFO, KSJC, KSMF
Date & Time: February 26th, 2021, 5 - 9 PM PST
Date & Time (Zulu): February 27th, 2021, 0100-0500z