Lol, thanks guys - at least I would start off with a 1% approval rating
Luke, I know that VATSIM is not indeed an actual government, but that doesn't mean that it is an organization that does not require governance. And like all governments that we have ever put forth on this planet, they have hierarchies, and they have a person in charge of each of the levels in the hierarchy. What kind of structure are you saying would work better, and why?
I think it is clear from your statements that you think at least one of these "layers" should be abolished, so please answer the question I put forth above...If you think VATUSA should be abolished, then tell me why we do not regularly see corporations abolished by their constituents, for example. If there were an advantage to having local rule without any centralization, then one would think that American corporations would have taken advantage of the idea, no? Instead, it is the opposite - corporations have been able to thrive (some might say too well) due to centralized governance. How come the idea of centralized authority seems to have lasted so long, if it is in fact flawed, and much worse than just having each individual group fend for themselves?
I'm not trying to push the idea of the government analogy past its usefulness, but I think it is a valid analogy - and I realize it's an analogy, but I don't see why we can't use it to discuss the topic. The analogy of the corporations I made above is also valid as an analogy. VATSIM is neither of these things, but it is similar to both of them, so we should be able to draw conclusions about VATSIM by studying the things which it mimics. Since you seem to believe that the current structure is inherently broken, I would like to know (as I stated above) what other solution you have come up with in order to make things better on the network. More testicular fortitude?
Here is where I see this would lead, in the form of a satirical remark (there is no offense intended here, it's simply a straightforward way for me to make a point):
I'll resign my position as a VATUSA Staff member, and the controllers at each of the ARTCC's I represent can just contact the BoG directly, so that there wouldn't be so many layers to go through. The BoG already (allegedly) does not respond to the Division Directors when they ask for help, but I'm certain that each individual controller would have their voices heard loud and clear if we got rid of the ARTCC's, the Divisions, and the Regions that are keeping this more direct conversation from happening.
I think it should be clear that this situation doesn't make any sense. The intermediaries do, in fact, serve a purpose. And that purpose is communication. And again, I'm not saying the system is working properly, but that just means we have to fix it - not abolish it. It might not be easy to work through the system, but that's the only way one can create positive change - through the system. Bashing the system because it hasn't provided you with the results you want is not going to get you the results you want. It only results in a bashed system.