Team USA,
There has been a recent spike in instances where controllers are including inappropriate remarks in their (ATIS) Controller info. This includes, but is not limited to, intolerant remarks toward new members, suggesting that new and/or non-English-speaking and/or non-voice members fly elsewhere, log off, etc.
Not only is this a violation of the VATSIM Code of Conduct, sections A1 and A10, it's incredibly poor form and reflects badly not only on the controller, but on VATUSA. That kind of intolerance is not welcome here. Yes, I've been frustrated by folks without skills before, they often come at a bad time, but we were all new once and everyone deserves as much help as we can reasonably give them. They don't deserve disparaging and harmful remarks. That behavior needs to stop. Right now. It will not be tolerated within this Division, nor anywhere on VATSIM. Thank you in advance for raising the bar, not lowering it.